What is mammography? A mammogram is a low dose X-ray Radiation of breast tissue. Your healthcare provider...
Gyanological Labour Room
BABIES INCUBATOR Working Principle of Babies Incubator All baby incubators work on the same principle. Additional oxygen...
What is infusion pump Infusion pumps large or small volumes of liquids at high flow rates are...
Transcutaneous Bilirubinometer Jaundice in newborns occurs in about 70% term and 80% in preterm. Management of jaundiced...
Steam Sterilizer Stream sterilization achieves by exposing the items to sterilizing with saturated steam under pressure. Heat...
What is the Fetal Monitor Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM) provides graphic and numerical data. This is Fetal...
Apnea monitors Apnea monitors detect the cessation of breathing (apnea) in infants and adults who are at...
What is Autoclave An autoclave is an instrument used to carry out industrial and scientific processes requiring...
Everything everyone should know about Biomedical devices. with this, many problems of your life can easily solve....